If you have been instructed to visit this site by a member of the Chesapeake Bagel team, it is because you requested additional information regarding a transaction that has recently been posted to your credit card on March 4th 2025.
Due to an issue with our Point of Sale system, transactions from roughly 12/06/2024 through 03/03/2025, although authorized on the original date, were never completed and therefore never actually finalized or posted to your credit card. This resulted in Chesapeake Bagel not receiving those funds for your original purchase.
Once the issue was identified and corrected the Point of Sale system processed through the stuck transactions to completion resulting in you seeing that transaction finally process and post on that following Day, March 4th.
If you would like additional information in regards to your original purchase, please feel free to enter in the required fields below and our team will reply with an email including a copy of your original purchase receipt.
Please allow up to 48 business hours for that reply.
Our sincerest apologies for this inconvenience and we hope to see you back at Chesapeake Bagel soon!
Thank you for your patience & understanding.
-Chesapeake Bagel Team